WOOP, the first Business & Tech event in Luxembourg that explores the future and its opportunities by confronting points of view, organised by InTech in partnership with the Win-Win.com agency.
WOOP Edition#2 is postponed in 2021. Stay tuned (date to be announced soon)
2021: CHANGE & ACT
For the second edition in 2021 WOOP approaches all the transformations that touch our society. Between climate changes and technologic accelerations.
Digital revolution, crisis of general mistrust to the economic and political authorities, quest for meaning at work and questioning the profit as a goal… And if it was up to us, companies, to influence the course of history and take up those new societal, social and environmental challenges?
Do we really have to be afraid of the big bad guys GAFAM? Should we buy the trust tomorrow? Should happiness become a KPI? Will the intelligent car make cities more stupid?
To capture the spirit of this important period and try to respond to those questions, WOOP brings together “la crème de la crème” of entrepreneurs, journalist and political decision makers around a new kind of debate to help us understand the issues of our time and make our own opinion.
More information on our website: woop-events.com
See videos of WOOP19 on YouTube: Woop Events
or follow the news of WOOP21 on Twitter @Woop_Events