By using the Angular or React technologies or any other JS framework, we develop new responsive, ergonomic, high-performance and sustainable interfaces for your Front-End, which is your company’s showcase. Learn more
Our areas of expertise


Our developers are experts in the “APIsation” of applications process, using Microservices technologies based on Java/Spring, JEE, NodeJS or Scala. Industrial, controlled and flexible deployment processes are applied in order to take advantage of the tremendous opportunities offered by Cloud infrastructure. Learn more

Our UX experts work in close collaboration with the project teams to analyse needs, expectations, and problems. They co-create the right solutions with you.
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The pertinent use of data is the new source of value creation for companies. Our developers and Data Scientists are proficient in both traditional Business Intelligence and the creation of analysis models based on Artificial Intelligence or Deep Learning. Learn more

Our development experts are proficient in developing Mobile Web, hybrid, iOS and Android applications using a “Mobile First” approach. They support you in the development of secure, high-performance and ergonomic applications. Learn more

InTech is one of Europe’s foremost players in the Blockchain sector. With our technology expertise we help you to identify projects that can capitalise on the opportunites of this technology in order to carry out practical experiments or projects that are ready to go live. Learn more

Scrum, Kanban, and software Craftsmanship hold no more secrets for our engineers who apply these Agile methodologies in real terms and on a daily basis in all of their projects. These methods are implemented in accordance with the context and the practices our customers have in place, in the interests of transparency and efficiency in decision-making. Learn more

Public clouds will become an accelerator of competitiveness for large companies over the next few years. Our teams are familiar with the specific characteristics of the Cloud services of major service providers (Azure, AWS, etc.). They have a clear understanding of the technologies for industrialisation of the deployment processes and the Cloud environments. Learn more

Automation in the deployment of your applications is a key factor of success. Thanks to the DevOps tools, our experts help your project teams set up an integration and continuous delivery pipeline whatever the platform chosen (Azure Devops, Gitlab, Github, …). Learn more