Our Blockchain Expertise
At InTech, we have been working on Blockchain technology since 2011 and on Ethereum since its launch in 2014. We are convinced that Blockchain can reduce operational costs while increasing the security of exchange of value. It also facilitates the accessibility of financial services to populations that, until now, have not been able to use this type of service. Almost all companies can take advantage of the Blockchain, which is to exchange of value what the Internet has been to exchange of information.

Promotion, Ideation, Training, Auditing
For a first approach or to go further with Blockchain, we accompany you from the early to the latest stages of your projects
We run awarenessbuilding sessions to explain and make the management understand upfront, the potential use of Blockchain technology in the organisation.
Once the interest is well understood and shared, we conduct ideation sessions to identify the sources of value creation for decentralized systems that are specific to your organisation’s business.
We deliver a training course ‘Introduction to Blockchain’ for any audience to understand how the technology works, its risks and opportunities, with concrete use cases; a ‘Developer’ training course to break down the development process of a Blockchain platform: Architecture, DApp and Smart Contracts Development, Security, Deployment, Supervision; or a dedicated course according to your specific needs.
Security is a main concern to us. Downstream of your projects, we conduct audits on the code already developed and in particular on the Smart Contracts to ensure you that the best practices of the state of the art and the security of your applications have been applied.
We run awarenessbuilding sessions to explain and make the management understand upfront, the potential use of Blockchain technology in the organisation.
Once the interest is well understood and shared, we conduct ideation sessions to identify the sources of value creation for decentralized systems that are specific to your organisation’s business.
We deliver a training course ‘Introduction to Blockchain’ for any audience to understand how the technology works, its risks and opportunities, with concrete use cases; a ‘Developer’ training course to break down the development process of a Blockchain platform: Architecture, DApp and Smart Contracts Development, Security, Deployment, Supervision; or a dedicated course according to your specific needs.
Security is a main concern to us. Downstream of your projects, we conduct audits on the code already developed and in particular on the Smart Contracts to ensure you that the best practices of the state of the art and the security of your applications have been applied.
Architecture, Development, Deployment of Decentralized Applications
Our core business is the custom development. We support you by providing expertise or by taking charge of your entire project.

Decentralized Operational Systems
Our Analysts support you in defining the decentralized operating processes that meet your specific business needs.

Choice of Blockchain Typology
Public, private or hybrid Blockchain, we guide you in your choice to meet your short-term challenges and offer you maximum sustainability.

Technology Selection
Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda or others, we help you choose the most appropriate technology for your human and technical context.

Technical and Application Architecture
Based on proven models, we design the technical and application architectures adapted to your environment and your project.

Our engineers build DApps, mobile applications, back-end and Smart Contracts according to best development practices.

Deployment in Production
Dockerisation, public or private cloud, on-demand, we automate the compilation and deployment chain using a SecDevOps proven approach.
InTech a Leading Player in the Blockchain Ecosystem
We are involved in the major Blockchain projects on the Luxembourg market and in many European projects. InTech is one of the founders of Infrachain, a joint public-private initiative, of which Fabrice Croiseaux, our CEO, is Chairman. Its objective is to develop the Blockchain ecosystem by focusing on legislative and operational governance aspects. From key accounts such as FundsDLT, for the management of investment funds, to start-ups such as Tokeny, with its decentralized finance solution, or Ibisa, with its decentralized insurance platform, our clients trust us to support them and contribute to the success of their Blockchain projects.
You have a Blockchain project, feel free to contact our experts and discuss with us!